Monday, January 25, 2010

Matchmaking at Molto Formaggio

When it's slow at Molto, I get to play mad food scientist, slicing off bits of any cheese I want and pairing them up with any of a number of already-open honeys, oils, confits, and pestos at my own discretion. With so many fantastic ingredients, it is rare that I make a bad match. Still, it's always fun to have some guidance. Luckily I was working alongside a savvy cheese monger on recent such shift, who recommended I top my slice of yesterday's baguette with Roquefort and Williams Pear & White Wine Confit. Oh. My. God. All you lovers of blue cheese, all you lovers of the mouthwatering combination of sweet and saltget in the car, drive to your nearest cheese shop (hopefully that's Molto Formaggio), and purchase these two items. Then thank me for changing your life.

1 comment:

  1. Never met a cheese I didn't like. I've been dying to go to Molta Formaggio. It's on my todo list! It's at Preston/Royal...right?
